Dear Sunnie..
“I’m still getting over my ex and i’m nervous about going to pride. I can’t get myself out of this funk! What do I do?” -anonymousinseattle
Hey queer! It makes so much sense you are nervous about Pride! It can feel so good to be connected with a partner and celebrate. Be kind to yourself and surround yourself with your peeps. Pride was a protest for Queer Existence! Show up and celebrate you! Your connection to yourself fuels your connection to the community! #thrivewithpride #cheersqueers #pride2021 #gayallday #loveislove #gayok #blacktranslivesmatter #lgbtqia
Sunnie Townsend is an abolitionist practitioner who provides trauma informed care for Queer and Trans folx who have survived trauma around their gender, sexuality, and or religion. As an experiential educator and wilderness instructor Sunnie walked through the wilderness of intimate and precious parts of their students lives. Sunnie was a Master Educator for 5 years in the Wind River Range of Wyoming & North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Sunnie moved to Seattle to learn more about Trauma. As an experiential educator they witnessed deep trauma their students stories as well as Sunnie’s own life. They received their Masters in Psychology and Theology & Culture and wanted to work with folx who have survived religious trauma. Sunnie believes in the power of becoming oneself through generative safety, belonging, and dignity. They work with folx who want to transition from feeling stuck to living. Sunnie is a trauma specialist and intimacy consultant. They currently work coast to coast with clients.