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Power with…

The police state will not be dismantled by having power over each other, by speaking over each other. Generating listening power, healing power, collaborative power, and accountable practices is the way to hear each other's voices. There are varying levels of risk to each underrepresented identity. Acknowledging the risk to exist for each identity gives space for protected and liberating power. Identities are complex because they are collective while also particular to individuals. Let each other's voices be complex. Hear the sound of your queer sibs, notice who’s voices are elevated and the proximity those voices have to power. Be accountable for speaking over others and learn to listen well.

#risktoexist #generatehealing #traumahealing #loveandbeloved #lgbtqia #nonbinary #enbae #trans #queerhealing #traumainformedcare #queercare #queerowned #queeroperated #queercareconnections #healingchange #healingsocialjustice #generativesomatics

#politicsoftrauma #stacikhaines #trauma #ptsd #healingfromabuse#healingfromtrauma